The brave fishermen of Moddergat and the ruthless sea

Let the sea breeze take you to Museum 't Fiskershúske on the northernmost tip of Friesland. Four small fishermen's cottages preserve the remarkable history of the fishermen of Paesens-Moddergat.
Four cute fisherman's cottages together form Museum 't Fiskershùske. On the northernmost tip of Friesland, right on the Wadden Sea, the history of inshore fishing is preserved here. From the double village of Paesens-Moddergat, brave fishermen repeatedly cast their nets to hopefully return home with a large catch. How did they work and what was their daily life like?
Looking inside
The oldest house of Museum 't Fiskershùske is furnished as in 1950 and in Klaske's Hùske the interior is in the style of the early twentieth century. Look inside and see how the fishermen and their families lived. In the house de Logger there is room for changing exhibitions and in the house de Aek there is a permanent exhibition with ship models, fishing tools and the story of the shipwreck. van Moddergat.
Disaster of Mudgat
There is one night that cannot remain undiscussed when it comes to the history of inshore fishing in Moddergat. From 5 to 6 March 1883, a heavy spring storm raged over the waves and raided the fishing fleet of Paesens-Moddergat. A total of 83 fishermen died in the icy water. A monument in memory of them stands opposite the museum.
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