Imagine yourself in the eighteenth century in house Zypendaal

House Zypendaal is a picture. It used to be the home of one of Arnhem's richest families, the Brantsen. The eighteenth-century interior is largely intact; the family portraits even hang on the wall. Also walk through the beautiful garden!
Real Arnhemmers affectionately call house Zypendaal their 'castle', but it is officially a country estate. The Brantsen family, a wealthy regent family from Arnhem, used to live here. Their portraits are still part of the permanent collection, which is on display on the first floor of the country house. One of the masterpieces of house Zypendaal is the famous Male of the Zyp, a statue of a boy with a drinking jug.
garden and park Between
the orangery and coach house opposite house Zypendaal is an ornamental garden. The gardens and park of Zypendaal are a romantic mix of French and English landscape style. Waterfalls, fountains, babbling brooks. The park is well worth a walk. The orangery and coach house used to be used by residents to house horses and plants. Nowadays they are office buildings.
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