Trip down memory lane in Museum RockArt

Go through the pop music history of the Netherlands in Museum RockArt. A trip down memory lane, from the fifties until now. The biggest hits and artists come by in images, sound and unique items!
Shocking Blue, Golden Earring, the Top 40 from decades ago. In Museum RockArt, the hits and charts of the past are brought back to life. Listen to golden oldies, admire CD's and LP's and walk among pop memorabilia.
70 years of music history
The collection of Museum RockArt is so huge that every few months they can create a completely new and unique exhibition with the stuff they have in house. From Armand to ZZ and the Masks and from jazz to rock 'n roll: everything will pass by. In 2019, the museum will be exhibiting 70 years of Pop music history.
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