Go back in time in Archeon

Step into the middle of history and discover how life used to be. The huts and houses in Archeon once really stood somewhere in our country. Visit the Roman Museum and discover unique finds from the South Holland from centuries ago.
Go back in time in Archeon! Visit a camp of the hunter-gatherers and meet the first farmers from the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Then walk from a Roman town into the Middle Ages! In one day you make a journey through time through different eras.
Travelling with the Romans
In Archeon you will find a Roman town, complete with a bathhouse, temple and Roman inn. Feel like a Roman for a while and learn to massage yourself, make a fibula and go on a herbal treasure hunt. In the Roman Museum you can discover even more about our history and get to work as an archaeologist yourself. Investigate pottery and touch animal skeletons - if you dare! The Roman finds from Alphen aan den Rijn teach us more about soldiers and the local population of the time. Learn to write like the Romans, discover what weapons they carried and what they paid with.
Dive into the Middle Ages
In the medieval town of Gravendam you will experience the fourteenth century. In the craft houses you can see the woodworker, baker and blacksmith working very hard. Make your own felt bracelet and learn how to swordplay or archery. There is also a nice playground and a maze for children to play in.
Also nice in Archeon
See the restoration of the Roman Zwammerdam ships.
Visit the exhibition 'The origins of Holland, from Count Viking Gerulf to Count Floris'.