Survival family: Robin Hood meets Tarzan
Balance over the monkey swing and jungle bridge, take the bow and arrow and shoot in the rose. During the Family Survival you and your whole family will take on the challenge. Working together is important, but fun is paramount!
Outdoorpark SEC Survivals offers amazing adventures and challenges for all ages. Collect your own food during a nature walk and brave obstacle courses and camotunnels. SEC Survivals' tough survivals and funny group outings will make you feel like Robin Hood
The Survival Family is a combination of sports, exploring borders and lots of laughs and is specifically designed for children together with adults. It's exciting and active, but accessible to everyone - even if you're not so sporty. You decide how exciting and challenging it becomes
Please note: the survival is for at least six participants. If your family is not that big, invite your other family members, friends or girlfriends!
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